vineri, 22 noiembrie 2013

Using creativity for our generation

In nowadays context it is very important to use the alternative source of energy as the natural resources of the Earth seem not to be enough for our generation. It have thus been implemented renewable energy projectsthat use natural resources.
The concept of “solar energy” refers to energy that is directly caused by the transfer of light energy radiated by the sun. This can be used to generate electricity or to heat the air inside of building. Although solar energy is renewable and easy to produce, the main problem is that the sun does not provide constant energy in any place on Earth.
In addition, due to Earth’s rotation on its axis, and thus the alternation of day and night, sunlight can be used to generate electricity only for a limited time each day. Another limitation of using this type of energy is the existence of cloudy days when solar energy capture potential decreases due to shielding sun sensitive, limiting the application of this form of renewable energy technologies.
Solar installations are of 2 types: thermal and photovoltaic. The photovoltaic produce free electricity. The heat helps to save gas at a rate of 75 % per year. A house that is available both solar installations  photovoltaic panels and thermal vacuum) is considered “without an invoice” batteries as the energy accumulated day is sent to the network ). Solar works even when the sky is cloudy. They are also resistant to hail ( in the case of the best panels).
3. Hydraulics Energy;
Hydropower is the capacity of a physical system (water) to perform mechanical work on the transition from one state to another state time (flow). Because the water cycle is maintained by the Sun’s energy is considered a form of renewable energy.
Hydropower is actually a mechanical energy, potential energy of water formed on the level difference between the lake and the central question of the kinetic energy of moving water.
Exploiting this energy is hydroelectric power in that turn potential energy into kinetic energy of water, which then captures using hydraulic turbines that drive electric generators into electricity.
All types of hydraulic energy is considered kinetic energy of waves and tides, and osmotic potential energy.

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